How-to stay on track this weekend

So it’s the weekend. You worked your ass off all week. Woke up early, ate healthy, worked out, stayed hydrated but now what? How do you kick ass all week to blow your diet on the weekend and regret it on Monday. It’s only natural to want to indulge. We’ve all been there! Try these little tips to stay on track and enjoy a “guilt-free” weekend!

Cocktails-  Yes, most of us look forward to having those cocktails after a long work week! It’s obvious that steering clear of alcoholic beverages is the healthier choice BUT to be honest everyone likes a few drinks during the weekend! If you’re in the mood to unwind, it’ll be ok! Try keeping it to one drink. Order something other than your usual. It’ll be easier for you not to go for a second round. Try getting something you can “babysit”.

REMEMBER, the more you drink the more you are more likely to munch! Eating out- I know, I know it sucks being the only one ordering a salad when everyone else is having pasta! Keep in mind, when girls eat out together they are more likely to order similar things. We know this is true! So don’t give in to someone else’s order. Be the first to order! Even then don’t feel obligated to stick to a salad. Most places these days have a “guilt-free” menu. Always remember– PORTION CONTROL!

Stay Active- If you decide to go on a weekend getaway and your hotel has a fitness center try waking up 30 min earlier to get a mini workout in. Trust me, you will feel more energized! If you’re not staying at a hotel try planning activities that will keep you active. Enjoy the breeze and go for a hike. Walk and shop (my fave)! There are so many different ways to keep active!

Keep Hydrated- Drink lots of water! It helps you feel full! Sometimes you may feel like you’re hungry but might just be dehydrated. Tricky, huh?! Keep water bottles with you. Not so hard to do! Hope these tips help!

XOXO, Yolie

So how do you stay healthy during the weekend? Share below!!

Latest Crush: Fat Fader Slimming Lotion

There’s no substitute for dieting and exercise, but the job has to get done! We have all done our research on what products and supplements to use to make our weight loss journey faster… and easier! Admit it, we all want overnight results! I know I do!

Recently, I started to notice all the hype with a certain topical fat reduction lotion.


Inch loss, cellulite reduction, tightens skin… MAGIC IN A BOTTLE!!

Apply to troubled areas like, butt, hips, legs, arms and abs. (I also apply this to my back.) Gently massage the lotion for 60-90 seconds in the morning or after you shower. Then again in the evening. You can also apply it before and after your workout.

Are you feeling it yet? I felt it working all day long! What I loved most about it was the results! Fast results! I saw a big difference in cellulite appearance on my legs and stomach.

FAT FADER is without a doubt the best toning lotion you will find!

*Excellent fat loss aid when combined with diet and exercise.


Or check out their website!

Sip On This: Tropical Inspired Green Smoothies


1c watermelon
1/2c pineapple
1/2c raspberries
1c spinach
1c water

Blend it up! Makes the most refreshing smoothie!


1c spinach
2 bananas
1/2c pineapple
1/2 mango
1tbsp coconut oil
1c water

Add everything together and blend! Enjoy this smoothie by the pool! Brings back some piña colada memories! Ha!


1c spinach
1 avocado
1/2 mango
2 bananas
1/2c pineapple
1tbsp coconut oil
1c water

Blend. Sip. Enjoy that tropical taste!

NOTE: I froze all the fruits beforehand. I don’t use ice in smoothies because I don’t like the taste when it gets watered down.


#FitFriday: Stadium Fat Burner

track workout2

So every now and then I like to switch things up and take my workout outside! This week I felt like getting out of the gym so I did most of my workouts at a local high school stadium. There are a lot of different exercises that can be done at a track & stadium. Especially those damn bleacher!!! They’re endless!!!  I would like to share an intense track & stadium workout with you. I did this yesterday and boy am I feeling it today! I will breakdown the workout below! Have fun my lovelies!


Break it Dooowwnn

Warm up: Jog 1 lap around the track (.25mi)

Right after the jog perform 100m walking lunges down the straight away.

Head to the bleachers.


Circuit 1: Using a bleacher bench do 12 body weight triceps dips, followed by 15 bicycle crunches, and 40 bodyweight deep squats. Sprint up the bleacher steps and walk back down. Twice. Perform this whole circuit 2 times.

Circuit 2: Do 40 pop squats (stand with feet hip width apart, go down into a squat position, pop up and land with feet closed together, then jump back to squat position) follow with 15 crunches, and 12 body  weight push-ups. Sprint up the bleachers and walk back down. Twice. Perform this circuit 2 times.

Circuit 3: Do 5 burpees followed by 20 mountain climbers. Sprint up the bleachers and walk back down. Twice. Perform this circuit 2 times.

Finisher: 20 bleacher jumps (box jumps using a bleacher bench), followed by 25 calf raises, using the bleacher steps do step up leg lifts all the way up then walk back down (step up with the right leg and lift the left behind you, step up with the left and lift the right, and so on) do this twice. Afterwards, walk down to the track and perform 100m lunges.

Cool down: jog 1 lap


Happy Friday everyone!!! So on behalf of #FitFriday I’m sharing with you my early morning leg/quad workout!! Try adding it to your routine today and feel the burn!!!! 😅

Leg extensions
Lying Leg press

rest 30sec-1min

30 Walking lunges

rest 30sec-1min

**2 rounds**
20 Squat jumps
20 Pop squats
20 Side lunges to knee up
20 Deep squats
20 Box jumps
20 Switch lunges

rest 30sec-1min

**Finisher** 30sec each 2x
Mountain climbers
Wall sit
Bicycle crunches

1/4 mi run


Ohhh yea and for the ones with kiddos.. Happy last day of school!!!! Mine just happened to walk in the house! Let the summer begin!

Work Baby, Work!

Ok ladies here we go again! It’s a new week! Experiencing setbacks? If you’re not achieving your goal as quickly as you would like it’s fine don’t stress! Don’t feel discouraged. Any progress is good progress! Only YOU have the POWER to make shit right!! Whatever it takes, put in that work and you will get there!

So what steps will you take today that will bring you closer to your goal?

Fitness junkie vs. the anti-fitness

I am currently on a fitness journey. About 2 1/2 years ago I competed in a NPC Bikini Competition. I was going through a horrible break up and focused all my negative energy into training for the competition. It became one of the best experiences of my life! I loved it and everything about it.

Image(Horrible pic and bad lighting but I’m in the center)

After that I continued training for a future show. Working out and dieting took over 90% of my life. Then I got sidetracked when I met my current live in boyfriend  friend. I started spending more time with him and less time training. He’s not into anything fitness at all! So by the time I knew it I had gained some weight and lost all motivation to even drive to the gym. I’ll admit, I was a little embarrassed to even show up at the gym. I was happy to have met someone like him but I guess deep down I was unhappy  with myself. I also started feeling insecure. Don’t get me wrong, every now and then I would try to go for a run or do a session at home but it was very difficult just to even get myself to do it. So almost 30lbs later (about 4 weeks ago) I woke up with the urge to work out and prep my meals for the week. So hell yea I didn’t question it. I drove my ass to the gym and cooked up a storm! I felt so much better and I haven’t stopped since. I’m doing it slowly though. Trying to get my body back into my old routine. Its been tough but I’ve seen changes so I’m satisfied with that!

Ok now what makes getting back into my old routine tough is that now I am living with someone who isn’t into fitness or eating clean/healthy. I don’t want to force him to eat differently or to start working out because I met him that way so shouldn’t I accept him like that too? The good thing is that he does support me and is happy for me. The bad thing is that sometimes I do want to just be lazy and eat a burger with him… then I think back to how bad habits started.

I don’t know anybody who lives a healthy lifestyle that has a boyfriend/husband that is opposite of that. How should I prevent cheat days from becoming cheat meals everyday?

Confession: When I cook for him I try to make a clean alternative in a way he won’t know… shhhh!



Since I was very embarrassed to even take pics I don’t have much of myself

but here is the most recent one… about 4 weeks ago right before I started training again