Halloween recap!

Happy November everyone! So quick halloween recap! Dezy’s costume was a success! Yay! She loved it. I tried hard to get the face painting on point. I think I did a good job. I was surprised people were able to guess what she was! Here are some pics of her little trick-or-treat adventure.






It’s crunch time!

It’s time to start working on Halloween costumes! I know, I know tomorrow is Halloween. I’m a procrastinator. Big time! But I can’t help it.

So this year Dezy wants to be the Black Swan. It started off with her wanting to be a zombie ballerina. Just like me, she changes her mind over and over. Finally, she decided on the Black Swan.

Here’s a pic from the actual movie with Natalie Portman.


Pretty cool huh! Can’t wait to see the end results! Will share with you later.


How many of you are making a Halloween costume for you little ones???

How-to stay on track this weekend

So it’s the weekend. You worked your ass off all week. Woke up early, ate healthy, worked out, stayed hydrated but now what? How do you kick ass all week to blow your diet on the weekend and regret it on Monday. It’s only natural to want to indulge. We’ve all been there! Try these little tips to stay on track and enjoy a “guilt-free” weekend!

Cocktails-  Yes, most of us look forward to having those cocktails after a long work week! It’s obvious that steering clear of alcoholic beverages is the healthier choice BUT to be honest everyone likes a few drinks during the weekend! If you’re in the mood to unwind, it’ll be ok! Try keeping it to one drink. Order something other than your usual. It’ll be easier for you not to go for a second round. Try getting something you can “babysit”.

REMEMBER, the more you drink the more you are more likely to munch! Eating out- I know, I know it sucks being the only one ordering a salad when everyone else is having pasta! Keep in mind, when girls eat out together they are more likely to order similar things. We know this is true! So don’t give in to someone else’s order. Be the first to order! Even then don’t feel obligated to stick to a salad. Most places these days have a “guilt-free” menu. Always remember– PORTION CONTROL!

Stay Active- If you decide to go on a weekend getaway and your hotel has a fitness center try waking up 30 min earlier to get a mini workout in. Trust me, you will feel more energized! If you’re not staying at a hotel try planning activities that will keep you active. Enjoy the breeze and go for a hike. Walk and shop (my fave)! There are so many different ways to keep active!

Keep Hydrated- Drink lots of water! It helps you feel full! Sometimes you may feel like you’re hungry but might just be dehydrated. Tricky, huh?! Keep water bottles with you. Not so hard to do! Hope these tips help!

XOXO, Yolie

So how do you stay healthy during the weekend? Share below!!

Bootie, bootie, bootie, rockin’ everywhere!

It’s all about the booties!!! I’m seeing so many different ankle booties everywhere. I’m loving this trend. Unfortunately, in the fall south Texas weather ranges from 80s-90s. Sometimes even higher! Yes! I’m dying here ya’ll! Still doesn’t mean I’m not excited about wearing boots!!!! So I gathered up a little list for all you beauties! 10 ankle booties under $50! Wow! I loved them all and I hope you do too!




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So what do you think about this trend?? Cute huh? What type of boots are you into? Combat, wedge, ankle, peep toe, knee high? Share below!!!

Xoxo, Yolie


Oh hey, Monday!

Good morning lovelies! Haven’t done a Monday post in a while! Gotta get back on the ball! I’ve been busy with little side projects here and there. Feels great to have a Monday off!

So I just wanted to share a little something to help us all stay motivated this week!!! Most of us give up midweek.. But hey it’s a new week.. That means you have a FRESH START! Remember success starts with one step forward. Take that leap of faith. Do not be afraid to break your shell. If you fall just get your ass up, brush it off, and do it again. Do it until your dreams are no longer dreams!! Here’s to a fresh start!! Happy Monday!

Xoxo, Yolie

Fall PIN-spiration

Pinterest is by far my go-to for anything from the seasons beauty reviews to of course DIY projects! Confession: I sometimes use it as a search engine!  One of the first things I do in the morning is open up my Pinterest app and seeing what’s new for the day! Love it! Some of my favorite trends of the year are popping up already!!! Here’s a little preview of what I’m talking about!

Loving these different styles!

Short hair for the fall.. Just might!

Berry Lips



Full outfit
Fall dress chevron
Grey sweater
Green scarf

Black boots
Green Sweater Dress
Burgundy sweater


Coming to you live from the bedside with a beautiful view of the city. So this weekend we escaped to Austin on a little family getaway. Our hotel is lovely. Dezy invited a friend to come with us as well. Ok since I’m the only one awake let me share some pics from yesterday evening.

Upon arriving at the hotel, the girls decided to go for a swim. That’s my love up there. Afterwards we went to grab some dinner at Pappasitos. It was delicious. So were the margaritas!

We came back to relax in the hotels patio for a bit. Then called it a night.


Today we’re making our way to the New Braunfels Farm-to-Market and afterwards we’ll be hitting up the shops in Gruene. Love those little towns!!! Will share more later!!


Liebster Award

So I know this is a little late but I still couldn’t pass this up! I was nominated for the Liebster Award by The Southern Statement. How exciting! If you haven’t already checked out her blog you might as well start heading to her site! Are you hooked yet? Ok so I honestly was not expecting the nomination since I have not been blogging for so long! I’m really stoked! Thanks girl!

Here are the rules of the Liebster Award:
1. Create a post thanking the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. State 11 interesting facts about yourself.
3. Answer the eleven questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers to answer.

11 Facts About Me
1. I can seriously live off of Starbucks and sushi

2. The closest Starbucks is about 50 min away… I still make the drive

3. It’s hard for me to find the perfect sunglasses or even glasses because my eyelashes are so long they touch the lens part and it bothers my eyes.

4. Speaking of eyelashes, for my senior prom most of my friends (and myself) wanted to wear falsies.. you couldn’t tell the difference of my fake and real lashes.. honestly I think mine were still longer and I hated it!

5. I’m a reality tv buff

6. I’ve only been out of state once! Yes, once!

7. I suck at cooking anything that isn’t considered “clean” “diet” foods

8. My first NPC Competition was so far one of the biggest highlights of my life

9. Sex and the City reruns can literally take up most of my afternoons

10. I hate being outside unless I’m working out or at a beach/pool

11. My birthday is one of my most favorite days because its between Christmas and New Years (my other 2 favorite days)!!

11 Questions from The Southern Statement
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging to help motivate myself and others during my fitness journey and somehow little by little added other topics along the way.

2. Name 3 of your favorite blogs/bloggers.
Lauren Conrad (of course)
Stephanie Sterjovski
A Cup Full of Sass

3. Name 3 of your favorite online boutiques.
Sashay Boutique
Mint Julep
Modern Vintage Boutique

4. What’s the best kept secret of the blogging world?
I still consider myself a blogger newbie. I learn something new everyday.

5. What’s your favorite trend right now?
Boyfriend Jeans, Cutoff Shorts & Bright Colors

6. Who takes your blog photos?
I take them myself

7. If you had to only pick 3 materialistic items to have the rest of your life, what would they be?
1. iPhone
2. Internet
3. Starbucks

8. What do you do for a living?
I’m a real estate student & full time unofficial “step mom”– and on top of all that trying to make a name for myself in the fitness industry

9. What’s your best kept beauty secret?
Having a clean diet and being hydrated makes my skin glow and my hair full! There’s perks to training for a NPC Bikini competition– great skin and hair!

10. What’s your favorite item in your make-up bag?
My EOS lip balm & facial sunscreen

11. What’s in your purse right now?
Currently on hand is my MK clutch. Nothing really fits other than the shopping essentials (credit cards, id, cash) and my iphone!


My 11 Nominees
1. Beyond The Khaki Pants
2. Love Miss Alyssa
3. Pretty In Her Pearls
4. Sweet Carolina Belle
5. Cheesecake and Cardio
6. Tutus and Pineapple
7. Made in the Shade Blog
8. The Houston Girl
9. Perfectly Scrubbed
10. Rebel Spot
11. Short and Sweet Chic

11 Questions for my Nominees

1. What’s your morning routine like?
2. What’s your favorite food?
3. Coffee or Tea?
4. What motivated you to start blogging?
5. What is one thing you cannot leave your house without?
6. How many pairs of shoes do you have? Don’t lie!!
7. What are your top 5 beauty products?
8. If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
10. What’s your fashion style?
11. What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Thanks for reading!!